27 October 2011

UNAIDS asks youths to create its strategy

UNAIDS, the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, wants a new strategy for young people and has adopted an innovative crowdsourcing approach to get their inputs. 
Youth are at particular risk of HIV infection, because they are sexually active but often lack awareness of the risks or the ways they can protect themselves. Around 3000 more young people aged 15-24 get infected with HIV every day.

CrowdOutAIDS.org is a first in the UN system and is designed to get large numbers of people to contribute ideas and share their concerns and their knowledge. UNAIDS hopes that this approach will not only ensure that its strategy is more relevant to young people, but also encourage many of them to be motivated to join in and be part of the solution.

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel SidibĂ© said: "It is absolutely critical that we engage young people - not as recipients of our messages but as the actors and creators of change."

The interesting challenge for UNAIDS will be to ensure not only broad participation, but that the hopes and dreams of young people are reflected in a workable strategy that they recognise, understand and support. 

Read more at UNAIDS

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